[1]Guang-jie Liu,W-Net:Convolutional neuralnetworkforsemantics,Pl0Simages by dualpathsegmenting remotesensingONE,2023.7
[2]Guang iie liu,Individualizedtourism recommendationbasedOnself-attention,Pl0S ONE,2022.8
[3]Guang jie liu Self-attentionmultitaskingbasedsequentia1recom mendation,ICCSE 2021.
[4]Guang-jie Liu, research on ARMAX energy modeling based on rough set. Energy Science and Research.
[5] Guang-jie Liu, Therapeutic effect of energy betaine on lipid metabolism disorder in old-aging db/db mice, Energy Science and Research
[6] Guang-jie Liu, Research on the Application of Concept Lattice in Intelligent, CSQRWC2011.
[7] Guang-jie Liu, RESEARCH ON A SOFTWARE DEFECT PREDICTION MODEL BASED ON SVM, Entertainment for Education.
[8] 刘光洁,燃气轮机过渡段双腔室模型设计及优化,吉林大学学报(工学版),2014年05期.
[9] 刘光洁, 焊接热源局部坐标移动曲线路径建模方法,吉林大学学报(工学版),2014年06期.